Wednesday 5 June 2013


Dah lama juga aku tak buat sandwich tuna…first time aku makan masa berkunjung ke rumah seorang kenalan baik kak Zaini di Tanah Merah…anak-anaknya sedang sibuk menolong beliau menyediakan sandwich tuna. Aku masih ingat perkara pertama yang aku perasan ialah satu botol mayo kraft yang agak besar. 

Aku hanya memandang botol itu tanpa erti…

Sambil berborak kosong kak Zaini menghidang juadahnya petang itu bersama teh panas…

Sebaik sahaja sandwich itu ku makan..fuhh..apa benda yang sodap sangat ni..gumam hatiku..lalu kuberanikan bertanya

Mudah aje nak buat kata kak Zaini

1-2 tin tuna in sunflower oil
1 botol mayo kraft sederhana
Masukkan dalam mangkuk besar
Perasakan dengan garam dan lada sulah
Untuk sayuran
Iceberg lettuce – hiris halus2

Bila menaip resepi ni macam nak makan tuna sandwich la plak…jom mari kita sediakan (-:


First the Golden Disc Award in Sepang then CN Blue concert.

 After that a swarm of 12,000 people watched the k-pop kings TVXQ .

Soon after that, my first love… the ultimate handsome hunk... my prince charming Zo In Sung comes here too..

and now even then the world super-heart melting prince  Lee Min Ho is also coming here in Malaysia! 

Walla! Everyone must be feeling awesome since all the Hallyu stars are coming here to our humble Malaysia. And I feel so proud to be a Malaysian! Thanks to them I feel like I’m in South Korea but hey…no I’m not! I’m not in Korea BUT I’m in Malaysia..It’s the hallyu stars coming over here in and out!


What is EQ?
EQ is the acronym for Emotional Intelligence. So what is Emotional Intelligence ?You may be well informed on I.Q which stands for Intelligence Quotient, but for emotion we also has E.Q. It simply means Emotional Quotient.

Many people thought that we can be successful if we have high I.Q but many forgot that we should also have high emotion stability regardless situation to be a top notch person.

Why?simply because we tend to meet many people with many characters and personalities. Some are pleasant but many are not. We may at times just want to hit people when they say hurtful things to us.

Hence to face all odds one should have a very strong character to stay focus and not to mention being perfectly happy be it shine or rain throughout life.

“IQ is not the only predictor of your success, a high IQ is not a guarantee of career success. You do need your technical abilities, your competencies at a specific skill or within a specific subject matter, but to thrive you need your ability to get along with other people. The most successful leaders also have a high degree of emotional intelligence.

And here is the great news; EQ (unlike IQ) can be developed.

Emotional intelligence: “the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action.” -  Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer.

“The abilities to recognize and regulate emotions in ourselves and others” – Daniel Goleman and Gary Cherniss.

Why should you care about your EQ? Perhaps you will humor me by reading just one more quote:

“75% of careers are derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies, including inability to handle interpersonal problems; unsatisfactory team leadership during times of difficulty or conflict; or inability to adapt to change or elicit trust.”  — The Center for Creative Leadership, 1994

So 75% of careers derail for reasons that relate to something that we can all work on and improve? Of course you care!

 What makes up EQ? There are five components:

Self-Awareness – A person who is self-aware understands their own moods and emotions and also how those moods and emotions may impact others.

Self-Regulation – Someone who exhibits self-regulation thinks before they act. Remember that person you worked for? The one who used to get red in the face, yell and scream and throw notebooks across the room? They were not exhibiting self-regulation at all.

Motivation – If you love to work and it is not just for money or for status; if you have a strong drive to achieve; then you know about motivation.

Empathy – The empathetic individual is able to understand the emotions of others and also learns to treat them as they wish to be treated.

Social Skill – Do you know someone who is able to meet new people and immediately develop a rapport with them? It is likely that they are very accomplished in the area of social skill.”